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If you are travelling with large amounts of valuables

If you are travelling with, for example, cash amounts or cheques with a value of EUR 10,000 or more, you are obliged to notify the Danish Customs Agency. We need to verify that the money does not come from money laundering.

When you enter or leave Denmark with cash or other monetary instruments equal to a value of EUR 10,000 (approx. DKK 75,000) or more, you must fill in a declaration form and submit it to the Danish Customs Agency. This applies regardless of the type of currency and regardless of whether you are travelling as a private individual or on company business. 

You must also declare your monetary instruments even if you are only in transit, for example when travelling by car or train, or if you go ashore from a ship and travel onwards to another country right away. 

Declare cash and other monetary instruments when travelling to or from countries outside the EU 

Declare cash and other monetary instruments when travelling to or from other EU countries 

If you send your monetary instruments by, for example, mail freight or courier, other rules apply. You can read more about these rules on our website